Monday, January 23, 2012

Mad Mondays

In case you were wondering, I got this fabulous idea from Counting Down The Days! You should go over and check it out and get started. I think it's a great idea to vent your frustrations at least once a week for all of the Internet world to see :) So let's get started!

  • It makes me mad when you go to a fast food restaurant and they don't give you a straw for your drink.
  • *It makes me mad when you wait forever in the waiting room at the doctor's office. You finally get called back, checked by the nurse, and wait a good amount of time for the doctor to actually come in.
  • The attendance people at school really get on my nerves.
  • With that said, I really can't stand school in general.
  • I hate teachers that give you tests just about everyday
  • A lot of people on facebook irritate me.
  • It makes me angry when I wake up constantly during the middle of the night, and am exhausted in the morning.
  • It makes me mad when my phone falls between the furniture and I have to crawl and bend all over the place to get it. This happened to me a good few times this past week.
Well there ya go. I'm sure I'll have stuff to go back and add, but until then, you should try Mad Mondays. Happy Monday Is Over Day!

*Yes, this was an experience today. I found out the cold I've had for 7 weeks isn't just a cold. I have some severe swelling/infection in my nose, and according to the doctor, I'm lucky I haven't gotten a sinus infection yet. Anyways, I am now on a spray, and two medications, one of which makes you extremely anxious and irritable. Yay :)