Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas!

I know I'm a day late on this, but the thought still counts. This Christmas was a weird one considering my dad and brothers were out of town. But it was still a good one! My favorite present that I got was Brad Paisley, Scotty McCreery, and The Band Perry floor seat concert tickets for me and Kendall. I cannot wait until March 2nd <3. We as usual, went to my grandmother's. Ate some good food, opened presents, and played some games. We got home late around 9, and my dad and brothers were finally home after 16 straight unplanned hours of driving. They then opened a few of their gifts, and we played games altogether until 1 am. I love Christmas, but still continue to miss the excitement of it when I was little. Now that it is the day after Christmas, I am sad :( This is honestly probably the worst day of the year. And I sadly only have 6 more days off from school. Well we are babysitting again tonight, and will probably play more games. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the holidays with their families (:

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Eve and Happy Birthday To Me :)

I have had such a wonderful birthday :) It began bright and early at 10 am with breakfast at IHOP. After, my mom and I picked up a few things for the baby, went to Walgreens, got birthday cupcakes at Bubblecake, took a trip to Target, Walmart, and the mall (again), had dinner at Olive Garden, got a free birthday drink from Starbucks, and came home and watched the Cowboys game. That didn't have a very happy ending though. I am so blessed with all of my family and friends, and today made me realize that. I cannot believe that I am now 16 years old. With it being Christmas time, I realllly can't help but wish i was three years old again. Well I hope that everyone has had a good of a day as I have. I have been wrapping presents for almost 2 hours, and still have more to go. Oddly enough, I love it. <3

Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas Eve Eve!

Today has been soo much fun! But I have to say, I am worn out after almost 10 hours. I left my house with my mom at 1:00 and went to pick up Kendall. We went out to lunch at Rancho Viejo. Mmm mexican. After we took a little trip to Bath and Body Works. Always a fun time. We then headed to the theatre at Valley View to see The Descendants. Which by the way, is a fantastic movie that I do recommend. Next, was the mall. The traffic was awful, but it was not as crowded as i expected. I tried on some jeans, picked out a few more things for Christmas, then went to Victoria's Secret and loaded up on more lotion, body wash, and sprays. I honestly have enough of that stuff to last me the rest of my life. We left the mall, took Kendall home, and then headed to Walmart. I was there for about 2 hours, did a few more errands, and here we are. It's days like these that really make me appreciate the holiday season. I have another big day ahead of me tomorrow for my birthday, and need my sleep. I hope everyone has a good Christmas Eve :)

Birthday Countdown: just a little over an hour :)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Party

Yesterday I attended my only Christmas party of the season. I guess I had a decent time, but not really. Just havin my reasons. But there was super good food. Which made me super duper sick. It was nice to have a sleepover and catch up with everyone. I am also glad to brag that me and Tayllar pulled an all nighter. That lack of sleep is starting to catch up with me now. Highlights of my night include:
  • My little Asian breaking out of her shell
  • I got completely shanked
  • And yeah that's just about it

It really wasn't as bad as I make it out to be, I had fun. I just had big expectations for some reason. Oh well, I will live. And just for fun, this could be my fave (out of 4) pics of the night.

Well my dad and brothers just recently left to head to Dallas. It's just me and my mom for the next 5 days. It will be so weird having a birthday and Christmas without them here.
Anyways, I'm sitting here watching Dateline, exhausted from last night. My only plans for the day is wrapping presents. I'll take what I can get.

Birthday Countdown: 2 days :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The I Can't Think of A Title Title

This post doesn't have to do with anything specific, just what I've been up to the past two days. Yesterday I had my birthday dinner with friends at Buffalo Wild Wings. This is a 4 year and running tradition :) I have to say, I was very lucky to collect $35 dollars to Starbucks because I am super duper addicted. After, I came home, helped my mom with the baby, and watched Rudolph maybe 5 times. I love when she's here.
Today I just ran a couple of errands, got a gift for the Christmas party I am going to tomorrow, and was supposed to clean my disaster of a room. I never got around to that part. I don't have much to write about, but I am just trying to stay on track with blogging and make sure I do it. Wellll, until later all my followers. I will probably be back Thursday to talk about the Christmas party and all that jazz.
P.S. Happy Hanukkah!

Birthday Countdown: 4 days :)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Today I finally got to see the movie New Years Eve. For some reason I have been really excited for this, I think maybe because Ashton Kutcher and Zac Efron are in the same movie. (Who doesn't love that) I have to say, it was very cute and I do recommend seeing it. It really made me wish I had a life as exciting as that.

Moving on. After the movie, I went to the mall, and could not have picked a better time than Sunday night. It was a nice break from all the crowds that come with holiday shopping. In fact, the last time I was at the mall was Black Friday. That was a mess. I didn't get much, just some underwear from American Eagle (which by the way I think I could write a whole post on how much I hate looking for underwear in public) and Sweatpants/ Jacket from Victoria's Secret which I won't get until Christmas. Speaking of shopping and Christmas together, my gifts have become way less exciting because I know basically all of what I'm getting. Oh what I would give to be 5 years old. Anyways, I'm about to go watch Kourtney and Kim Take New York (always need some Kardashian love) and go to bed. My birthday dinner is tomorrow, can't wait :)

Birthday Countdown: 6 days :)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

One Of Those Days

Today has been "one of those days." Often times I will use this in a negative way, but today was very nice. By "one of those days" I mean greatness. Slept in until 12:45, played on the computer, caught up on Glee (love!) ate some pizza, snuggled and enjoyed The Notebook (which never gets old), and here I am. I wish I could say I was more productive with my day, but really I don't. It really was the perfect way to spend my first day off. I don't have much for you today, so I leave you with it played out in pictures.

Birthday Countdown: 7 days :)

Friday, December 16, 2011

Winter Break!

Finally! The best Christmas present ever. One thing you must know about me, is that i absolutely cannot stand school. Just sayin, you will probably be hearing about this a lot. Today I actually only went to school for one class. After that I was able to come home and take a nice 3 hour nap. Just what I love. I am getting ready to go get my eyebrows done (yay.) , out to the mall, and then to dinner with Mehgan and Sandy! This is just the first day of break, and I have so many things planned within this week. Going to see New Year's Eve (hopefully), birthday dinner Monday night, party Wednesday, Christmas shopping and festivities, my birthday, and finally, CHRISTMAS. I am so excited for this next week and very happy to be out of school. Christmas time is the best time of the year, and I can't wait to spend the next two weeks with friends and family. Happy Friday!

Birthday Countdown: 8 days :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

I'm Baaaaack

Lately I've been getting really interested in the blogging world. And while I'm not nearly as good or popular as the blogs I like to read, maybe this will be some fun. And I promise to stay committed this time, just for all you loyal followers out there ;) I would also like to make a mini shout out/ thank you to my good friend Tayllar for convincing me to get back into blogging.
Anyways, what I have been up to lately:
  • Stressing with school; thank the lord break starts tomorrow!
  • Getting ready for Christmas
  • Hating that it's spring weather in the middle of December
  • Counting down the days until my birthday ( 9 by the way)
  • Stressing
  • Stressing
  • And more stressing
  • ... Maybe this blog will be good for me :)
Currently I am lying here with a migraine, watching Spongebob Christmas, and then Elf :) I do whatever i want during Christmas time. Basically I just wanted to make my (maybe 3rd) grand entrance back into the blogging life. Now that I have sucessfully done that, I am going to finish enjoying my night, and attempt to get rid of this headache. Night night <3

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

50 Random Things About Me

1) I love the beach.

2) I don't know what I would do without some of the people in my life.

3) I really know how to hold a grudge.

4) I can't stand it when people piss me off... especially when it is intentionally.

5) I will talk to just about anyone.

6) My greatest fear in life is being kidnapped. Seriously awful.

7) Even though I am a teenager, I frequently worry that I won't get married and/ or won't be able to have kids.

8) I am a HUGE facebook stalker.

9) I am waaaaaaaaaay more self-consious than anyone would understand.

10) Starbucks always makes everything better; white chocolate peppermint frappucino thank you :)

11) I could live off of McDonald's Oreo McFlurries

12) I seriously worry about every. little. thing.

13) I am big on planning.

14) I get weirdly attatched to certain tv shows; to the point where i really really wish I could be a part of it or  have a life like their's , and I want to cry about it.

15) I believe that there is nothing greater than footballll <3

16) I really wish I knew what I want to do when I grow up.

17) Outside of school, I think I have the greatest memory in the whole wide world.

18) There's a lot that I don't tell people, but I would if they asked.

19) I don't want it to be August.

20) County music is the best that it gets.

21) I really don't like it when people accuse me of stuff I didn't do, but more importantly when they accuse me of not doing something that I really did.

22) Clearly ^ , I have a terrible temper :)

23) I truly believe that I am a very nice person until people give me a reason not to be.

24) My brothers annoy me (almost) more than anyone, but it makes me so sad to think that I only have 3 years left with them, and will more than likely never ever live with them again :(

25) I still can never see myself being able to leave home and go to college.. that scares me.

26) The thought of death terrifies me.

27) The smallest compliment will make my day, and I honestly mean that.

28) I would give absolutely anythingggg to go back and be three years old..

29) Purple is my favorite color.. I think I am obsessed.

30) To this day, Britney Spears is one of my favorite artists. I've wanted to go to a concert of hers since I was five years old, and have never been.

31) I will ride anyyy amusement park ride/ roller coaster, but 95% I will be scared out of my mind doing it.

32) I suffer from very bad claustrophobia. ( I didn't even have this probably until a couple months ago, but it's bad)

33) One of (if not, my favorite) bands is Matchbox Twenty.. weird I know.

34) I seriously consider moving schools a lot, but I know I never will, solely for the purpose of a few people, and because I have been with the same people since kindergarten.

35) Sweet tea and Mountain Dew make me happy.

36) 99% of the time, I don't care what people think about me; One of the things I actually like about myself is that I don't change who I am around different people.

37) I hate hospitals/ blood/ broken bones/ anything at all medical related more than anyone. It makes me sooo sick, I think because I don't like seeing people hurt.

38) I am very sensitive about animal abuse.

39) I really love kids (not in a weird way ;) ) I think that my career will have something to do with young people.

40) I could spend hours watching home videos.

41) I have bad jealousy issues.

42) I still watch disney channel... a lot.

43) I am truly in love with Justin Bieber, even though I used to not like him. ( I think I would die if I got to go on stage with him.)

44) I can't stand being bored.

45) Even though I am still 15 and young, it scares me that I am growing up.

46) I want to wear tshirts or sweatshirts with jeans/sweatpants and uggs every day to school.

47) I usually won't leave the house without just a littttle bit of eyeliner on , because i'm certain that I would scare others.

48) I hate being in a bathing suit.

49) I know being in Europe would be amazing ( I would love to go actually), but I am a really scared of it. Being somewhere in a different surrounding, different time zones, and different everything worries me. I know, it's weird.

50) I get verrry verry agitated when people don't text back.. like it's not that hard.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Well, i decided to give up on this blogging thing a long time ago. Basically because no one read it. And i'm way too not brave enough to post on facebook :) Anyways, the reason i just decided to come back after 5+ months, was because of something i saw on facebook. And i sorta just realized it may be fun for me to go back and read my posts, even if no one else does.

I haven't been up to too much lately. And i really have nothing too special that i am looking forward to, besides american idol on the 28th. But everytime i think of that, i am reminded that i start cheerleading 2 days later and will no longer have a life :/  Also, i have had my learners for two weeks, and have yet to drive at all... maybe i will change that tomorrow. And lastly, as i am typing this i can't help but wish i was some cool, popular blogger; a girl can dream right? :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011


i haven't been on here in a while...not that anyone reads my blog anyway. but hey there's still hope.
i haven't been up to much lately, just the usual school and cheering and stuff. i recently have discovered twitter and am very addicted. i have a total of 2 followers as of now..i'm quite the internet sensation these days ;) mostly i just use it to follow what celebrities are doing. trust me, it's a lot more fun than it sounds.

right now, i have about 100 things to do. today i got a new computer and have been working on transfering stuff over all day. i still have to clean my disaster of a room, and tons of homework to do. lucky me :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Horoscope Change?

Apparently Earth is now unaligned with our moon. And apparently that has a lot to do with our horoscope. I'm not someone who lives their life according to their horoscope, but I do sometimes read for fun. I've now changed from 'Capricorn' to  'Sagittarius' all because there has been a new sign added, 'Ophiuchus' just because of a movement in Earth. I find it odd, but whatever.

In other words, HAPPY FRIDAY :) I've got quite a weekend ahead of me. Cheering tonight, cheering tomorrow night, Mehgan's party Sunday, and a day off Monday to study for my last two exams. Maybe people will start reading my blog soon...or not. I mean, talking to myself is cool too.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Back To School..

First, let me start off by saying I HATE SCHOOL. Some days can be okay, but the work just sucks. I rolled out of bed today hoping for a 2 hour delay. That didn't happen, but since we are taking exams and getting out at 12:30, I decided I could make it through the day. I started out with my Spanish exam, which turned out to be pretty easy. Then I took my English exam. I'm not too sure what to say about that one.

When I got home, I ate some Arby's, and got hissed at and scratched by my cat. Exciting stuff. So now I'm sitting here bored, with a lot of studying to do for my Algebra exam tomorrow...maybe i'll just take a nap first :) Oh yeah, it's Thursday, and that means...NEW JERSEY SHORE! What a day.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Another Day Off

I was off from school today again because of snow. This time there was a good amount on the ground, but was cleared out again by mid-day. Oh well, just another day of fun for me :) Today me and Clair decided to go to the mall. Here's how our day went. First I get to her house and wait for her to finish getting ready. Right before we were leaving, Clair wanted me to smell her new perfume, so she decides to just throw it down the stairs. Well i was completely not ready and it fell straight to the ground and busted. Awesome. So for the next five minutes i got down on the floor and wiped up a whole bottle of perfume; and smelled like Victoria's Secret the rest of the day. Then it was on to the mall.

First i decided to buy Clair some new perfume, I did feel kinda bad for not even attempting to catch it. After that we decided to look for an outfit to wear to Mehgan's party Sunday. This was a total waste of time considering every store was wiped out from Christmas. Even though Clair did turn out to be a bargain shopper and find an adorable shirt for $5. Overall I would say it was a pretty successful day. I have tumbling later :p Wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"Snow Days"

Well, today my school was closed due to "snow." Typically when you think of a snow day off from school, you think of fun. The ground blanketed, sledding with friends, and yummy hot cocoa. But no, that isn't the case. This mornig i wake up to a small dusting on the ground, and nothing left to do but study for exams. So i am not quite sure why we are even out of school in the first place; though i am very grateful for being able to sleep in :) And it probably is a good thing i have an extra day to study because i am really going to need it. I guess i should go get started on that...