Okay, where do I start with this? I don't know if it's that I've fallen into the New Years Resolution of 'workout & eat better' crowd, the upcoming bathing suit season, or what. But I am definitely ready to make a change. To be blatantly honest, I've never been happy with my body. Or not at least, that I can remember. I'm sure that I wasn't freaking out about this when I was 7 or 10 though. I've also always been very self conscious and had low self esteem, which I also hate. Just for everybody's info, I'm in no way looking for attention. Just being honest, and getting it out there. I really want to find a way to start working out, and maybe losing just a few pounds. Everyone is joining or going to the the gym, and taking classes or whatever. This is something that I would love to do, but don't really have the money, and I'm sure I won't have the time to use it efficiently once I start working. Even if I do start working out, I have an extremely hard time staying away from unhealthy food. I've tried it, and I just can't do it. Not that I eat an excessive amount each day, but there's definitely something that I eat at least once a day that I could go without. I do drink a lot of water though. And I'm sure I could push my self to eat just a little better if I was working out regularly. Anyways, the whole point of the post was advice really. I know I don't have enough followers for this to really work, but if anyone has any suggestions, I would love a comment. Or even in person. As long as it's positive and helpful :) Just as a side note, I'm trying to look in into joining a gym. I would probably have to pay for it myself along with gas and insurance so I really want to find the best option for a reasonable amount of money. But who knows!

Also, HAPPY SUPERBOWL SUNDAY! I wasn't really looking forward to these two teams playing. Actually, they were the very last 2 that I actually wanted. Oh well. Four years ago, I couldn't tell you how badly I wanted the Giants to win. And they did. But this year, I'm going for the Patriots. Mainly because everyone is going for the Giants and I'm deciding to be different. And I haven't been a very big fan of the Giants this year. I'm not doing anything for the Superbowl sadly, but we are making a bunch of food! Pizza, wings, taquitos, and buffalo chicken dip. Sounds pretty good to me :)

Come to the gym with me! Kelsey comes all the time and she isn't a member and gets in for free. Also get healthy food at the grocery store just so it is available at home even if their is unhealthy food at your house. If you really want to lose weight you will stay strong with the health food! (: