Again, not too interesting. But still worth blogging about I guess. Friday I went to the basketball game and to bdubs with my favorite sawfal in the world, and then came home and went to bed at 10:30. Haha it honestly kills me that I stay up later during the week than I do on weekends.
Saturday morning I woke up bright and early at 10 am to go to Virginia Western to take placement tests for dual classes. I first took a nice trip to Bojangles for breakfast though. Mostly everyone taking the tests only had to take the reading and writing part. But I also had to take the math part. I finished the reading and writing part in about an hour, and my luck, my scores didn't print, but the lady did tell me I got a perfect score on the writing :) I didn't have time to finish my math part, so I have to go back this week. I'm not very happy about this. After, I drove for a little while, picked up some lunch, then came home and watched tv the rest of the day. Are you surprised?
And today? Well let me tell you, it's been terrible. I planned to pick up my room, and go out and run errands with my mom. But you know that virus I thought I had last week but then it went away? Well, I have it now and it's not going anywhere. I thought everyone else was exaggerating about how bad it was when they had it, but now I believe them. I literally cannot move, have a fever, every part of my body hurts, and have a stuffy nose and sore throat :( I really cannot miss school tomorrow because I missed two days last week and am going to miss Friday because of the concert. I have no idea how I'm going to do it, but I am absolutely sure it will suck. Right now I am just looking forward to my mom's homemade loaded potato soup, some kind of ice cream, and watching the Oscars later. Hopefully this will subside a little :(
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
Photo Friday
Just doing some grocery shopping :)
Pure addiction.
Happy weekend :) One more week till the concert, woohoo!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
I'm Still Here
I feel like I haven't blogged in forever. Partly because I have had nothing to talk about, and partly because blogger hasn't been letting me! Every time I go to post, there is a loading symbol in the box, and it never loads, and so I can't post. This has been going on for a few days now, not sure what's up. So, because I really felt the need to blog, I am doing this from my phone and it is quite difficult. Also to catch you up, I have not been to school the past 2days. This does kinda suck because I was doing so good. Yesterday I woke up with what I thought was the awful virus going around my house. But I guess it wasn't because it was gone by mid day. I also had a follow up appt. for my stomach. This issue has pretty much improved as long as I take my medicine and eat what I am supposed to. If not though, it is terrible. This morning I woke up and my stomach was hurting for some reason. And I have had this awful pain in my back and sides which makes it hurt to sit. I really have no idea what this is, but I want it to go away. It is very uncomfortable and is starting to worry me a little. And to top it all off, I've had migraines off and on. Anyways I am no excited to do any makeup work, or go back to school after 5days off. I had a lot more to blog about but typing on my phone is a major pain and it also keeps exiting out of the window for some reason. Oh well, be back when blogger can behave online for me :)
Friday, February 17, 2012
Photo Friday
I don't really have that much for ya, just what my Valentine's Day pretty much consisted of ;)
Well, Happy Weekend! Yaaay :) You all will be glad to know that I went to school for 5 full days this week, and it was a B day week! I'm pretty sure that honestly hasn't happened since September. Pretty proud of myself! P.S. two weeks till my concert :)
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
A Little Bit of Confessing
I've never really done Midweek Confessions, nor am I starting to do that. However, I feel like there is some stuff I could confess today.
- I have cheated on my diet the past two days with white chocolate covered strawberries and valentine cookies. I didn't even feel that guilty until I ate the cookies. But that's probably not going to stop me from eating them again tonight... I mean they can't just go to waste ;)
- One of, if not my biggest, pet peeves is when people tell me all I do is complain. Of course I do have my complaints, but it's no more than anyone else. But for some reason, I'm always the person who gets messed with about it. And honestly, it really really pisses me off. Beyond words. I realize this is complaining in itself, but if you hear it as much and for as long as I have, you would understand.
- I just cried watching Boy Meets World. (one of my favorite episodes) I truly believe that I have a problem.
- I got more annoyed with the statuses complaining about people complaining about Valentine's day than the actually original complaining itself. Especially when the majority of those people are being very hypocritical.
- I feel like I'm losing connection with a lot of my friends. Sometimes I feel like that if I don't arrange it, then I'm not invited anywhere. And if I am, it's like I'm a last minute resort. P.S. I'm not talking about anyone in general, just overall. Don't hate me :)
- Everyone talked about being 'forever alone' on Valentine's Day, and while that is very rare, sometimes I actually do feel that way.
- Two more days of school this week feels impossible. But so far I've been every day this week :) Hopefully I can make it until the concert!
- I haven't been putting as much effort as I should in my 2012 goals. I hope I can work on that
- I need new bathing suits, but HATE looking at them. It makes me jealous. And sad. But on a good note just makes me incredibly excited for summer :)
- Speaking of summer, I have a big desire to go to the beach. Whether it's now, or later, I want. to. go.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day!
Not my favorite holiday, but whatever! Since my Valentine's Day isn't very interesting, you guys can enjoy some pictures of my adorable baby niece, love her!
Monday, February 13, 2012
My Weekend
Well this post won't be too exciting... consider yourself warned.
The only really productive day of my weekend was Friday. After school I came home and took a shower then headed to dinner at Macado's. Let me just say, I ate way too much food, which I'm sure everyone else did, but it was delicious. Next we went to see The Vow. This movie was honestly do cute. It made me jealous/ sad/ hate everything about being single. But I knew it would. The only part I didn't like was the ending, Spoiler Alert, but at least they ended up back together. I was not going to be happy if they didn't. Anyways I was so full from dinner that I didn't eat my sour gummy worms, and had to unbutton my pants. My luck, I forgot to button them back and walked out of the theatre like that. Oh well.

Saturday I woke up around 12:30 and was so hungry! The only thing in my sight was the sour gummy worms from the night before, which I then ate, and regretted the rest of the day because they hurt my stomach so bad. You live you learn. I spent the rest of the day, literally all day, catching up on TV. I hardly watched any during the week at all. And yeah that's my Saturday night life for ya.
And finally Sunday. I didn't do much then either. I went to my brother's wrestling banquet thing at Applebees, and to the grocery store with my mom. That's always a two hour trip because she can never go in there just for what she needs. I came home and was so excited to watch the Grammy's, but was just too tired and fell asleep at 9:30. I have to say, I am not happy at all with Taylor Swift winning the awards she did. I love her music, but she seriously irritates me. And not by any means was "Mean" country album or song of the year. Are you kidding me? Just my opinion.
I am so happy that Monday is over. Always puts me in a better mood. Now I'm just hoping that my mom will take me to Rancho for dinner :) Come back tomorrow for some adorable Valentine pictures of my favorite little baby! (Since I don't have a Valentine's life of my own ;)
The only really productive day of my weekend was Friday. After school I came home and took a shower then headed to dinner at Macado's. Let me just say, I ate way too much food, which I'm sure everyone else did, but it was delicious. Next we went to see The Vow. This movie was honestly do cute. It made me jealous/ sad/ hate everything about being single. But I knew it would. The only part I didn't like was the ending, Spoiler Alert, but at least they ended up back together. I was not going to be happy if they didn't. Anyways I was so full from dinner that I didn't eat my sour gummy worms, and had to unbutton my pants. My luck, I forgot to button them back and walked out of the theatre like that. Oh well.
Saturday I woke up around 12:30 and was so hungry! The only thing in my sight was the sour gummy worms from the night before, which I then ate, and regretted the rest of the day because they hurt my stomach so bad. You live you learn. I spent the rest of the day, literally all day, catching up on TV. I hardly watched any during the week at all. And yeah that's my Saturday night life for ya.
And finally Sunday. I didn't do much then either. I went to my brother's wrestling banquet thing at Applebees, and to the grocery store with my mom. That's always a two hour trip because she can never go in there just for what she needs. I came home and was so excited to watch the Grammy's, but was just too tired and fell asleep at 9:30. I have to say, I am not happy at all with Taylor Swift winning the awards she did. I love her music, but she seriously irritates me. And not by any means was "Mean" country album or song of the year. Are you kidding me? Just my opinion.
I am so happy that Monday is over. Always puts me in a better mood. Now I'm just hoping that my mom will take me to Rancho for dinner :) Come back tomorrow for some adorable Valentine pictures of my favorite little baby! (Since I don't have a Valentine's life of my own ;)
Sunday, February 12, 2012
TV Recap
Wow, Sunday already?! I really don't know where the time goes.

Thank goodness this was back on this week. I'm pretty sure there's only a few episodes left this season :( So I hope that Sarah is able to get pregnant, and that Zoe doesn't change her mind and decide to keep her baby. Those are two things that I'm looking forward to see what happens, even though there's about 100 things that go on at once in this show :)
This week's episode was pretty good. Even though it's a little weird, I think it would be good for Sue to have a baby. There's so much going on right now. I'm super excited for the Valentine's episode next week :)
Teen Mom 2
This week Teen Mom was an hour and a half long, followed by an hour of unseen moments. So I'm starting to like Chelsea more and more the longer she stays away from Adam and does things for her and her baby. I hope she stays with it. Kailyn really surprised me this week by accidentally telling Joe she loved him. Whoops. I really want to know what went down next week when she says "things went farther than they should have." Leah filed for divorce this week. I honestly do feel really bad for Corey, but this is just a sad situation all the way around. And Jennelle, well she went out to California to go to rehab, which I have to say good for her. But according to news after the show stopped taping she is still getting herself into trouble. The season finale is next week.
The Challenge: Battle of the Exes
Again this week, two couples went home! They are going to run out before they know it. Dustin had fallen in the rain and sliced his knee open, therefore his doctor told him he couldn't participate in the next challenge. So he had to go home, along with his partner Heather. It really sucks when things like that happen. Okay so on to the main challenge. Leroy and Naomi did the worst, automatically sending them to the Dome. Paula and Dunbar were the power couple, and chose Emily and Ty to go against Leroy and Naomi. It was a tough elimination challenge, but Emily and Ty won sending Leroy and Naomi home. Now that all of the rookies are gone, I have a feeling things are going to get a lot more interesting.
Jersey Shore
Hahaha this picture honestly cracks me up. Pauly has yet again another stalker. And this one is major creepy. This is where Vinny calls her over to talk and then leaves them alone. Too funny. I'm also really suspicious of Mike these days, as I know he is planning to do something to make everyone mad. But who knows.
So, Ellen had three really good people on this week. Rachel McAdams, Channing Tatum( honestly who doesn't love him), and the two little crazy British girls. I love them! I watch Ellen everyday, but there are always favorites that stick out to me.
Usually, I don't do this and 48 hours as part of my recap, but this story breaks my heart. In case you haven't heard the story, which I'm sure you have, Josh Powell was accused of doing something to his wife a few years back, which everyone knows is true based on the circumstances. Anyways, last week was when it got really sad. He had a scheduled supervised visit with his two boys, ages 7 and 5, and the social worker. He rushed the boys inside, locked the social worker out, hit the boys with a hatchet, and blew up the house. There are many more details in this case, and with Josh Powell's father's own crimes. One of the young boys had began coming out about his mother's disappearance by saying things like "Mommy's in the trunk." I'm sure this had to something to do with Powell's terrible actions. Seriously so so sad.
I will be back later today or tomorrow to tell you about my weekend. Don't worry, it's not every exciting :)
Friday, February 10, 2012
Oh my goodness it's Friday. Only my favorite day of the week :) I can't really say I've had that tough of a week considering I only went to school three days, but it was way more than enough. Seriously these next 3-4 months can't go by fast enough. Since it's Friday, and Friday is super fun, I think I will just tell you some of the random thoughts in my head & this week. So..
- I'm so excited for tonight. We are all going to dinner at Macado's and to see The Vow for Sarah's birthday. Macado's sounds so good right now because I'm dying for it to be lunch time. And I've been waiting to see The Vow since November so I really cannot wait.
- My concert is 3 weeks from today, and for some reason I am soo soo incredibly excited to get out of town and go.
- I have a high A in PreCalc right now, and am honestly stressing about my next quiz so that I can keep that grade.
- I have absolutely nothing to do tomorrow since all my friends are going to the Sadie Hawkins dance, so I think I'm going to try to be productive with my day. Maybe go through my old clothes, and fill out some job applications. Ha, we'll see if that happens!
- Because of my stomach problems and because the doctor said so, I have not been able to eat anything good. While this isn't necessarily a bad thing, it makes me want something even more because I can't have it. I really dislike going out to eat and having to find something that I normally wouldn't eat, instead of what I like. But tonight, I'm getting whatever I want. I will just have to deal with it after. I have been doing really good though.
- I have a really big urge to be able to drive by myself. I have a little over a month and a half, and it just seems like way too long.
- I have a goal to not miss anymore school until March 2nd when I go to Knoxville. I'm not really sure how I'm going to do that, but I'll try.
- If one more person tells me that I'm going to have to take exams because I missed too many days, I honestly might explode. Don't you think I know that already, have heard it 10 times before, and am not looking forward to it? Just shut up.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Weekend Recap
No, I'm not in school right now. My stomach issues are really starting to get bad, and I'm going to the doctor later today. I've missed my past two B-day classes and don't even want to think about making up the work. Block scheduling is awful. Well I'm sitting here really bored, so I guess it's time to tell you about my weekend.
Friday I didn't do much. I went to TJ Maxx with my mom, bought a bunch of baby clothes, ate Chick-Fil-A for dinner, and went to bed at 10:30. I have a pretty exciting life if I do say so myself.

Friday I didn't do much. I went to TJ Maxx with my mom, bought a bunch of baby clothes, ate Chick-Fil-A for dinner, and went to bed at 10:30. I have a pretty exciting life if I do say so myself.
Mmm this is making me really hungry.
Saturday was also a pretty relaxed day. I was supposed to go to IHOP for breakfast, but my mom wasn't feeling well. I spent pretty much all day catching up on TV, which was needed. We went to IHOP for dinner, Bubblecake, and the grocery store.

Sunday was Superbowl Sunday. I wasn't very happy that the Giants won, but also wasn't that upset because I don't really care for either team. We made a bunch of food, and as usual because I don't have a life, I just watched the game at home. I wasn't very impressed with the commercials, but I did like the M&M and a few of the dog ones. And I don't even know what to think of Madonna's halftime show. I don't necessarily think that it was bad, I just think they could have gotten someone better.
And finally, Monday. At least the county was smart enough to give us the day after Superbowl off. I think this should be a national holiday anyway. I got to go to lunch with Kendall and Sandy, which hasn't happened in forever so that was nice. We also went to TJ Maxx and looked around for a while. Overall I guess I had a decent weekend. I just wish my life was more exciting. Oh well. In other news, Parenthood comes back on tonight :) I can't believe I get so excited for this. Just more proof of how boring my life is ;) Okay well I think that's about it for now, can't wait for the doctor later! Pretty much my fave place.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
A Slightly Heavy Subject
Okay, where do I start with this? I don't know if it's that I've fallen into the New Years Resolution of 'workout & eat better' crowd, the upcoming bathing suit season, or what. But I am definitely ready to make a change. To be blatantly honest, I've never been happy with my body. Or not at least, that I can remember. I'm sure that I wasn't freaking out about this when I was 7 or 10 though. I've also always been very self conscious and had low self esteem, which I also hate. Just for everybody's info, I'm in no way looking for attention. Just being honest, and getting it out there. I really want to find a way to start working out, and maybe losing just a few pounds. Everyone is joining or going to the the gym, and taking classes or whatever. This is something that I would love to do, but don't really have the money, and I'm sure I won't have the time to use it efficiently once I start working. Even if I do start working out, I have an extremely hard time staying away from unhealthy food. I've tried it, and I just can't do it. Not that I eat an excessive amount each day, but there's definitely something that I eat at least once a day that I could go without. I do drink a lot of water though. And I'm sure I could push my self to eat just a little better if I was working out regularly. Anyways, the whole point of the post was advice really. I know I don't have enough followers for this to really work, but if anyone has any suggestions, I would love a comment. Or even in person. As long as it's positive and helpful :) Just as a side note, I'm trying to look in into joining a gym. I would probably have to pay for it myself along with gas and insurance so I really want to find the best option for a reasonable amount of money. But who knows!
Also, HAPPY SUPERBOWL SUNDAY! I wasn't really looking forward to these two teams playing. Actually, they were the very last 2 that I actually wanted. Oh well. Four years ago, I couldn't tell you how badly I wanted the Giants to win. And they did. But this year, I'm going for the Patriots. Mainly because everyone is going for the Giants and I'm deciding to be different. And I haven't been a very big fan of the Giants this year. I'm not doing anything for the Superbowl sadly, but we are making a bunch of food! Pizza, wings, taquitos, and buffalo chicken dip. Sounds pretty good to me :)

Also, HAPPY SUPERBOWL SUNDAY! I wasn't really looking forward to these two teams playing. Actually, they were the very last 2 that I actually wanted. Oh well. Four years ago, I couldn't tell you how badly I wanted the Giants to win. And they did. But this year, I'm going for the Patriots. Mainly because everyone is going for the Giants and I'm deciding to be different. And I haven't been a very big fan of the Giants this year. I'm not doing anything for the Superbowl sadly, but we are making a bunch of food! Pizza, wings, taquitos, and buffalo chicken dip. Sounds pretty good to me :)

TV Recap!
Jersey Shore 1/26

Yay Vinny's back! I thought this past week's episode was a pretty good one. It was pretty interesting to see Sam in a fight for once. And I thought it was so cute everyone going to Vinny's house to kidnap him and bring him back. GTGVB.
Kourtney and Kim Take New York
Well Sunday's episode was the season finale. It was centered mostly on Kris and Kim's dying relationship. While I feel bad for her in some ways, I feel bad for him too. It's hard to say what really caused their divorce. I'm looking forward to Khloe and Lamar coming on to see what finally happens.
Teen Mom 2

Let's start with Chelsea. I think it was so good for her to get a job, get out with her friends, and do something for a good cause. It was nice to see her moving on from Adam. Leah and Corey's relationship continued to get worse, and I'm not sure whose side I would really take. It's a confusing situation. I was surprised that all of Kieffer's charges were dropped, and Jenelle's weren't. I definitely thought he deserved some kind of punishment. And finally, Kailyn's new boyfriend Jordan had to meet her ex-boyfriend Jo. It definitely looked awkward but also made me laugh.
To be honest, this episode wasn't one of my favorites, but it was still good. I'm glad Rachel finally accepted Finn's proposal, and I hope she sticks with her choice. I'm really excited for next week's episode... but when am I not?
American Idol
Well this week auditions finished up. The next few weeks will be the Hollywood weeks. These are probably my least favorite. I can't wait for it to get to the top 24.
I'm not a very big fan of Wes. But I do really like Red, Daniel, and Danger. Danger might be my favorite. His sister was also cracking me up working the desk at the gym. I always start to feel really bad for Daniel when they talk about his girlfriend Hannah who died in a car accident a few years back. This show seems to be getting more and more interesting each week.
The Challenge: Battle of The Exes

This was a pretty crazy episode! Let me fill you in. So, Sarah and Vinny won the main challenge making them the power couple. The power couple is safe from elimination and gets to pick who goes into the Dome against the team that did the worst and face elimination. Leroy and Naomi did the worst, so they automatically had to go to the Dome. After a lot of consideration, Sarah and Vinny picked Wes and Mandi. Okay so the night before elimination, everyone went out to the club. For some reason, Vinny decided to go up to Mandi and pull down her top. Well they don't tolerate any of that, so they sent him home. Also since he was Sarah's partner, she had to go home too even though she did absolutely nothing at all. I felt really bad for her. In the elimination challenge, Leroy and Naomi won, sending Wes and Mandi home also.
Jersey Shore 2/2
What the heck was up with Snooki in this episode? I felt like she was extra her-self, if that makes any since. I can't decide if I feel bad for Mike or not. Sometimes I really hate him, but then can't help but feel bad for him when everyone is so mean to him and he's being nice. I don't know, I really can't figure it out. Also, Snooki's bunny attacks crack me up!
Friday, February 3, 2012
Photo Friday!
I haven't been taking many pictures lately, but here's a few!
Happppy Friday! Have a good weekend :)
Happppy Friday! Have a good weekend :)
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Not ahhh, as in screaming or describing something that drives you crazy, but aaaah, as in a good feeling or relief. I had a lot of aaaah moments this week. Now that I think of it I had plenty of ahhh moments too.
Tuesday I got my eyebrows done. This is mostly an ahhh moment, but also a little of aaaah because I feel so much better once they are done. I'm also finally getting my hair done next week :) I got a Dairy Queen chicken basket, a big aaaah moment, but then quickly turned into an ahhh when my drink tipped over and went everywhere.
Yesterday was filled with plenty of aaah moments. Kendall came over for alittle feast, and I finally got to eat crab legs for the first time in months. I spent lots of time with my favorite baby, but of course got spit up on. Ahhh at its finest. But really I'm used to it and it doesn't bother me. My stomach has been bothering me a lot lately, I've been really bloated, and I'm pretty sure I've gained a massive amount of weight from the medicine was on. Ahhh if I ever knew it. Today because my stomach has been hurting so bad, I stayed home from school. This is definitely a mix of ahh and aaah. Ahh because I hate making up work, aaah because I hate school and being home is way better. Clearly it's been a very eventful past few days ;)
I will try to get Photo Friday going again tomorrow, and plan to do my TV Recap this weekend when I catch up on my shows. Tomorrow's Friday :)
Tuesday I got my eyebrows done. This is mostly an ahhh moment, but also a little of aaaah because I feel so much better once they are done. I'm also finally getting my hair done next week :) I got a Dairy Queen chicken basket, a big aaaah moment, but then quickly turned into an ahhh when my drink tipped over and went everywhere.
Yesterday was filled with plenty of aaah moments. Kendall came over for a
I will try to get Photo Friday going again tomorrow, and plan to do my TV Recap this weekend when I catch up on my shows. Tomorrow's Friday :)
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