Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Weekend :)

Yay I finally have somewhat of an interesting weekend to write about ;)

Friday after school Tayllar, Kevin, and I went riding around for a little while and I went and looked at a few places for a job. Wasn't really as successful as I had hoped, but it's a start. When I got home I didn't really do much of anything. Actually, I was asleep by 9:30.

Saturday was a pretty fun day! I went to the gym at about 11:00 and did 2 miles on the elliptical, which by the way is HUGE for me. Just sayin. I'm really going to push myself to try to go every day for the next two weeks because putting on bathing suits made me cry. After that I came home and showered and then went to turn in one of my applications. About an hour later I finally went to Starbucks for happy hour (I couldn't resist) and then picked up one of my prescriptions. I came home and watched a little TV, then went to Brambleton Deli with Tayllar and Kelsey for dinner. Then we pretty much just round around town for a little while and ended up at Macado's eating a huge dessert. Don't worry I only I had a couple bites ;) And as usual when I got home I pretty much went straight to bed. I think it was about 10:30.

Sunday was pretty much a very relaxed mother's day. We didn't do too much because my mom wasn't feeling well, but we made up for it with dinner last night :)

Overall I had a better weekend than I've had in a while. Can't wait for SOLs to be over and the next one :)

1 comment:

  1. You should have eaten more dessert (; it was so yummy! had so much fun with you this weeked !!!
