Sunday, January 30, 2011


i haven't been on here in a while...not that anyone reads my blog anyway. but hey there's still hope.
i haven't been up to much lately, just the usual school and cheering and stuff. i recently have discovered twitter and am very addicted. i have a total of 2 followers as of now..i'm quite the internet sensation these days ;) mostly i just use it to follow what celebrities are doing. trust me, it's a lot more fun than it sounds.

right now, i have about 100 things to do. today i got a new computer and have been working on transfering stuff over all day. i still have to clean my disaster of a room, and tons of homework to do. lucky me :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Horoscope Change?

Apparently Earth is now unaligned with our moon. And apparently that has a lot to do with our horoscope. I'm not someone who lives their life according to their horoscope, but I do sometimes read for fun. I've now changed from 'Capricorn' to  'Sagittarius' all because there has been a new sign added, 'Ophiuchus' just because of a movement in Earth. I find it odd, but whatever.

In other words, HAPPY FRIDAY :) I've got quite a weekend ahead of me. Cheering tonight, cheering tomorrow night, Mehgan's party Sunday, and a day off Monday to study for my last two exams. Maybe people will start reading my blog soon...or not. I mean, talking to myself is cool too.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Back To School..

First, let me start off by saying I HATE SCHOOL. Some days can be okay, but the work just sucks. I rolled out of bed today hoping for a 2 hour delay. That didn't happen, but since we are taking exams and getting out at 12:30, I decided I could make it through the day. I started out with my Spanish exam, which turned out to be pretty easy. Then I took my English exam. I'm not too sure what to say about that one.

When I got home, I ate some Arby's, and got hissed at and scratched by my cat. Exciting stuff. So now I'm sitting here bored, with a lot of studying to do for my Algebra exam tomorrow...maybe i'll just take a nap first :) Oh yeah, it's Thursday, and that means...NEW JERSEY SHORE! What a day.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Another Day Off

I was off from school today again because of snow. This time there was a good amount on the ground, but was cleared out again by mid-day. Oh well, just another day of fun for me :) Today me and Clair decided to go to the mall. Here's how our day went. First I get to her house and wait for her to finish getting ready. Right before we were leaving, Clair wanted me to smell her new perfume, so she decides to just throw it down the stairs. Well i was completely not ready and it fell straight to the ground and busted. Awesome. So for the next five minutes i got down on the floor and wiped up a whole bottle of perfume; and smelled like Victoria's Secret the rest of the day. Then it was on to the mall.

First i decided to buy Clair some new perfume, I did feel kinda bad for not even attempting to catch it. After that we decided to look for an outfit to wear to Mehgan's party Sunday. This was a total waste of time considering every store was wiped out from Christmas. Even though Clair did turn out to be a bargain shopper and find an adorable shirt for $5. Overall I would say it was a pretty successful day. I have tumbling later :p Wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"Snow Days"

Well, today my school was closed due to "snow." Typically when you think of a snow day off from school, you think of fun. The ground blanketed, sledding with friends, and yummy hot cocoa. But no, that isn't the case. This mornig i wake up to a small dusting on the ground, and nothing left to do but study for exams. So i am not quite sure why we are even out of school in the first place; though i am very grateful for being able to sleep in :) And it probably is a good thing i have an extra day to study because i am really going to need it. I guess i should go get started on that...